
Showing posts from April, 2022

130 Scientists From Around the World Support Mariana Trench Sanctuary

Ancient drawings on caves on Rota show the ancient link between the Chamorro people and the ocean. This letter was submitted during the public comment period for the five year review of the proposed national marine sanctuary in the Mariana Islands.  Scientists from around the world commented to bring attention to the scientific merit for the accepting the nomination. Kristina Kekuewa Pacific Islands Regional Director NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries 1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Dear Regional Director Kekuewa, We are scientists who write to you in support of accepting the nomination of the proposed national marine sanctuary in the Northern Mariana Islands.   We were invited to sign this letter by Indigenous scientists from the Mariana Islands.   The nomination package that was submitted by the Friends of the Mariana Trench builds a strong case that this region of the United States meets or exceeds the 11 sanctuary nomination process criteria used in determining s